How did the British – a small island nation with a limited population – conquer half the world? This article will attempt to explain one of the psychological factors underlying their success. It is a continuation of my previous blog below: There were other factors of course. The scientific inventions in the west that gave […]
Monthly Archives: December 2024
The Ultimate Self Help Tip
There are some sentences from Shakespeare (Hamlet) that are justly celebrated as some of the most meaningful sentences ever written in any language. They are: Forget the first quote above. That is beyond the scope of this article and possibly beyond the scope of my intellect. Focus on the second (To thine own self etc). […]
Pros and Cons of Being Childlike
The Bible advises us to be as a child if you wish to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I have a history of being childlike. Just about anyone could make a fool of me (ever since I was young) and I was and am very easily influenced. Careerwise also, a Chartered Accountant is supposed to […]
What does being Fair mean?
The golden rule states: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I was thinking of some events that happened in the mid 2000s. Due to certain events I did not want to have anything to do with some people and their friends and acquaintances. They complained that although I may have […]
How to be Blissful
I am writing about some high philosophy concepts that you will probably not understand unless you have some background in Advaita Vedanta. Be warned. Yesterday I was meditating and I felt blissful. This is not usual for me. Mostly I am caught up in my mind and trying to concentrate. But yesterday I felt bliss […]