The Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune

I am reading The Arabian Nights as translated by Malcolm Lyons. It is a 3 volume set. Link to browse the first volume is below: I saw some parallels between my life and the stories in the book. I think that you will find that the same lessons apply to your life as well. Below […]

Regard the Fleeting World as a Dream

A quote from the Buddha: Regard the fleeting world like this:Like stars fading and vanishing at dawn;Like bubbles in a fast moving stream;Like morning dewdrops evaporating on blades of grass;Like a candle flickering in the strong wind;Echoes, mirages and phantoms,Hallucinations and like a dream. Regarding the world like a dream is also recommended by Hinduism. […]

Read this if you want to study Law or go to Court

My previous article painted a mixed picture about the legal profession. In this article I would like to further buttress my view that a lot of the time lawyers do an immense amount of harm. The legal profession is a necessary evil as long there is private property and disputes amongst people. But perhaps this […]