This article is like locking the stable doors after the horse has bolted. The Ayodhya dispute has ended with the Supreme Court ordering the land to be handed over to a trust to build a Hindu temple. It also ordered the government to give an alternate 5 acres of land to the Uttar Pradesh Sunni […]
Author Archives: nikhilmg
More on the Legal System
We have inherited our civil and criminal justice system from the British. The British naturally gave us the justice system that they knew and worked for them. And this system is based – in large part – on the witnesses being men and women of integrity. And that is a very precarious assumption to make […]
Read this if you want to study Law or go to Court
My previous article painted a mixed picture about the legal profession. In this article I would like to further buttress my view that a lot of the time lawyers do an immense amount of harm. The legal profession is a necessary evil as long there is private property and disputes amongst people. But perhaps this […]
Don’t Think like a Lawyer
Two of the greatest men in recorded history were lawyers – Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi. It is supposed to be a noble profession and yet I think that the worst thing you can do to yourself is to start thinking like a lawyer. It is a necessary profession. As long as civilization endures, we […]
Still More on Altruism
My earlier two articles on Altruism were a bit one sided and so I am writing a third to complete the picture. I am assuming you have read my earlier two articles. Links are below I will again be referring to Osho and his teachings. The following concepts were gleaned from his book, And the […]
More on Altruism
This is the second of three articles that I am writing on Altruism. I am quoted a reader who commented on one of my articles by saying: Be content, and automatically you will see beyond yourself and make yourself useful to others, even if they are your family or those who come indirectly into your […]
On Altruism or Selflessness
I would like to write a couple of articles on Altruism and explain a couple of viewpoints. The meaning of the word altruism is: disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others A person I respect highly sent me this comment on spirituality: Be content, and automatically you will see beyond yourself and make […]
How to free yourself of Morbid Thoughts
The topic of this article is how to free yourself of anxiety and morbid thoughts. This may be of use to senior persons and people suffering from serious ailments. I have myself been prone to morbid thoughts and anxiety for some time. I tried a contemplation of death exercise some years back when I was […]
Be Happy Now
What is meant by being pure? According to Rumi it is being filled with lust and greed and other wantings. Here is an extract from one of his poems: No one is grown up except those free of desire.God says: “the world is a play, a children’s game and you are the children.” God speaks […]
The Cause of Religious Persecutions
A cousin of mine and I were discussing religion. I take spirituality seriously and told him that all religious traditions have produced enlightened mystics. “By their fruits shall you know them”, as the Bible says. My cousin countered by pointing out that there have been many wars fought over religion and millions of innocent people […]