I have in my library in Mumbai and Pune more than 500 books. I am known to be a person who reads a lot and I did, when I was young, spend a lot of time with books. I am well qualified and have a blog (this one) and more than a thousand answers in […]
Author Archives: nikhilmg
In Praise of Idleness
The above headline is the title of a famous and celebrated essay by Bertrand Russell. Link to browse the book at Amazon is below (not an affiliate link): But I have come across another much deeper and more succinct expression of the virtues of laziness in the following Hindi poem that I learnt in school. […]
Tips for a Successful Career
I will be – in this article – giving my views about what you need to know for a successful career. These are not exactly my views but I have tested the usefulness of these concepts and it cuts through confusion like a knife through butter and enables you to move forward. The person I […]
The Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune
I am reading The Arabian Nights as translated by Malcolm Lyons. It is a 3 volume set. Link to browse the first volume is below: I saw some parallels between my life and the stories in the book. I think that you will find that the same lessons apply to your life as well. Below […]
Regard the Fleeting World as a Dream
A quote from the Buddha: Regard the fleeting world like this:Like stars fading and vanishing at dawn;Like bubbles in a fast moving stream;Like morning dewdrops evaporating on blades of grass;Like a candle flickering in the strong wind;Echoes, mirages and phantoms,Hallucinations and like a dream. Regarding the world like a dream is also recommended by Hinduism. […]
The Scamp and the Prime Minister
What do I mean when I say that it is better to not have high expectations of ourselves and others? How can that change your outlook on life? I got started on this train of thought when friend of mine messaged me after reading an article I posted in 2019 prior to the Indian General […]
A Solution to the Ayodhya Dispute
This article is like locking the stable doors after the horse has bolted. The Ayodhya dispute has ended with the Supreme Court ordering the land to be handed over to a trust to build a Hindu temple. It also ordered the government to give an alternate 5 acres of land to the Uttar Pradesh Sunni […]
More on the Legal System
We have inherited our civil and criminal justice system from the British. The British naturally gave us the justice system that they knew and worked for them. And this system is based – in large part – on the witnesses being men and women of integrity. And that is a very precarious assumption to make […]
Read this if you want to study Law or go to Court
My previous article painted a mixed picture about the legal profession. In this article I would like to further buttress my view that a lot of the time lawyers do an immense amount of harm. The legal profession is a necessary evil as long there is private property and disputes amongst people. But perhaps this […]
Don’t Think like a Lawyer
Two of the greatest men in recorded history were lawyers – Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi. It is supposed to be a noble profession and yet I think that the worst thing you can do to yourself is to start thinking like a lawyer. It is a necessary profession. As long as civilization endures, we […]