This article was written as the beginning of a book that I wanted to publish through Kindle. But now I have decided to post these articles on my blog. I hope you find it interesting. I have two choices in deciding the structure of the book. The first choice puts emphasis on making money. It […]
Author Archives: nikhilmg
Snippets from Great Literature
I am at a loss today to write anything original as well as worthwhile so I decided to just make an article of some quotes that I read from some very good books that I have been browsing through this week. One may even call these books great literature. The book I have chosen is […]
Communicating with Slow Learners
This is the second of my two articles on communication. I am assuming you have already read my first article. Please do so or you will not understand the context. The link to my first article is below: This second article explains how to deal with slow learners and also how to maintain discipline when […]
How to communicate with Kids
I think communication in India is a good topic for me to write a couple of articles on. I think that the philosophy behind communication with children in India – at least from my limited experience – is best summarized by the following Zen story. A man wanted to attain enlightenment and so he joined […]
Don’t Pursue your Happiness
You must have heard of the story of Yayati. The following is the story as narrated in Wikipedia. In the words of the story, Yayāti enjoys all the pleasures of the senses ‘for a thousand years’ and, by experiencing passion to the full, comes to realise its utter futility, saying: “Know this for certain… not […]
Another day, Another Article
This is another article that I am writing because I have to update my blog on a weekly basis. I have not thought of anything beforehand that I thought was worthwhile for me to write about. I am just typing out my thoughts as I am thinking them just now. I’ll start with saying that […]
Public Opinion and Career options
I reread before writing this article, the chapter on Public Opinion, in Bertrand Russell’s classic book – The Conquest of Happiness. If I were to do you the most amount of good, I would say, “read the book” and end this article here. There is nothing I can add to what has been said there. […]
Are we too sensitive to what people say?
I have had the reputation of a controversial person, maybe even a scoundrel, for a major part of my life. I might have changed but the reputation about me didn’t. Only now, perhaps, are people beginning to treat me with respect (at least in Khar, Mumbai where I live). Believe me it is not too […]
Why we should keep our minds Pure
I wrote an article sometime back on keeping the mind pure. Link to that article is below: This article will explain in the end why the sages told us to do that. But before we get to that here Is an interesting chat with one of my cousins. He does not believe that keeping the […]
Why is there a mental health crisis in India?
I have my own theory regarding why there is a problem of mental health in India. I suffer from a mental ailment myself and it is not surprising that I should find this subject interesting. From a Google search: WHO also estimates that about 7.5 per cent Indians suffer from some mental disorder and predicts […]