What is Contemplation?
I did a Google search and came up with these results
- concentration on spiritual things as a form of private devotion
- a state of mystical awareness of God’s being
- an act of considering with attention
- the act of regarding steadily
- intention, expectation
Sourced from – https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/contemplation
Relating to how to do this sort of contemplation I have come up with my own method. It is explained below:
Whenever he has the courage and initiative to question life and keep questioning it, to interpret his human experience without previous preconceptions, he will be amazed at his inability to understand the truth, the full truth concerning his relation as an individual to the great life force in which all things live, move and have their being and of which he himself is but a single expression
In addition to the above paragraph I have written about how to contemplate in the following blogs below:
Also try to understand the implications of what you have understood; to your life or whatever issue or challenge you are dealing with
So that’s basically it. That’s my blog for the week. I need to revise and keep reading the above content repeatedly and then I will have it fresh in my mind to put it into practice.
These methods can be applied to secular and spiritual pursuits. If you are interested in learning how to think then this will be useful. Also read Sherlock Holmes repeatedly.
The following extract from Somerset Maugham is also relevant:
Our wise old church has discovered that if you act as if you believed belief will be granted to you; if you pray with doubt but pray with sincerity, you doubt will be dispelled; if you will surrender yourself to the beauty of that liturgy the power of which over the human spirit has been proved by the experience of the ages, peace will descend upon you.
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