More on not Judging

Judge not that you be not judged

This is my second blog on this most important teaching. My earlier blog is below:

This blog will explain why I think that not judging people (including yourself) is the only sane attitude to have. This is what I understand about the world we live in. It explains why practicing this teaching is necessary. It is the theoretical foundation.

  1. The first point is that the Universe is an organic whole according to the findings of 20th century modern science. Our position is similar to that of cells within the human body. It does not matter what happens to us (the cells) as long as the Whole (the Universe) survives and is in a state of well being. And only God or the Universe can know what is required to maintain its well being. That being the case we can leave it to the Universe to decide questions about right or wrong, good or bad. We are in no position to do so because we don’t know what the Universe requires.
  2. Next only God can separate the wheat from the chaff. If you have lived for a certain length of time in a family in India or are married you will know that what people do to us is a mixture of good and bad. And in turn our treatment of others is also a mixture. It is beyond us – as mere mortals – to reward each and every virtuous act and punish each impure act. This is a task that has to be perforce left to God.
  3. Next, how are you going to gather all the detailed information regarding who has done exactly what? To know all the good and all the bad actions of just one person would take a lifetime.But God can find that out in an instant. So leave the heavy lifting to him.
  4. Next I think you will admit that – as ordinary mortals – we are (most of us) lacking in wisdom. A lot of the time we fail to act in our own best interest so how can we expect to act in the best interest of others or the Universe. So leave questions of good and bad and right and wrong to the Almighty and focus on living your life as best you are able.

And I haven’t even mentioned till now past lives and the accumulated karma of those lives that are bearing fruit now. But that is a huge subject and I think I will not say any more than this.

According to Hinduism all of life is just a game of hide and seek with God. Ramakrishna Paramhansa said so and the Hadith Qudsi of the Islamic faith also says something similar. The exact quote is, “I was a secret treasure and I longed to be known.” So all that is required of us is to play the game of hide and seek. You can do so by taking spirituality seriously or through some other means. There are many ways of playing the game.

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