Do this and you will solve 90% of your Problems

This is going to be a short article because I myself am only taking baby steps towards solving 90% of my problems. But I know what to do and how to do it. The magic formula is to Learn Detachment.

We all think of ourselves as whatever it is that the ego identifies with. We think of ourselves as the Body; or as the Mind; or as the Intellect; or as our Feelings or Emotions. We think of ourselves as being the roles that we play – as a father or mother or son or daughter or businessman or employee and so on. And yet we are none of these things according to Eastern Philosophy.

According to Swami Vivekananda – You are the Spirit and not the Body and the entire Universe with all it’s good, all it’s evil and all its relations is as a series of paintings – sketches on a canvas – of which you, the Spirit, are the witness.

By identifying ourselves with the witnessing Spirit (or Atman) we can gain a distance from our problems. We learn to be detached. The problems which so torment us lose their sting and – it is more than possible – they (the problems) solve themselves in due course.

But how are we to learn detachment? How can we identify ourselves with the witnessing spirit?

Just think of yourself repeatedly as you go through your day as the Spirit and not the Body. This is what Swami Vivekananda has told us. In due course we will find it easier and easier to be the witnessing spirit.

And there is another practice which can be combined with the above method. This practice was taught by the Buddha and it involves contemplating Impermanence. The Buddha said:-

“Whenever feelings arise – whether pleasant, unpleasant or neutral – abide contemplating impermanence in those feelings, contemplate (that is observe and experience) fading away, relinquishment, letting go of all those feelings. Contemplating this one does not cling to anything in the world. When not clinging there is no agitation. When not agitated one personally attains Nibbana.”

We have on good authority that by these two practices we can attain enlightenment. Maybe we will not be able to reach such spiritual heights in one lifetime. But if we aim for the sky we should surely be able to reach the top of the tree.

You will be able to distance yourself from the ego and its problems which are mostly self created. You can thus learn detachment and be able to solve 90% or more of your problems.

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