This is a topic that I have already written about earlier in my blog. Please visit the links below: I just want to – in this article – point out the importance of the concepts described above. If you master the skills that I talk about in the above articles then you will be able […]
Author Archives: nikhilmg
Some Unpleasant Personal Experiences
I was a very badly behaved youngster when I was in my teens and in my 20s. I had psychological problems which were not addressed at the time and so the malady grew worse. Society – instead of sending me to a psychiatrist – decided that I needed to be taught a lesson. Part of […]
Why is Humility Desirable
I would like to give my opinion on the trait of Humility. This quality has been overvalued in India as far as my experience goes. As far as I have been able to make out the reasons why humility is valued here are as under: India is a feudal society and is a land of […]
The Only Sound Method of Nation Building
This is going to be a long article of about 2,200 words. But sit tight it will be worth your time and effort. A reader of my blog gave me a WA forward giving the views of one Dr David Frawley on India. Dr Frawley has been awarded the Padma Bhushan by the Indian government […]
These Conceptual Tools help me Stay Sane
I would like to in this article explain some concepts that I have learnt from Spirituality and which I have found not just helpful but also essential and vital to my well being. First concept is that when you are the target of malice and spite it is perfectly ok for you to feel upset. […]
Daring Greatly by being Vulnerable
I don’t generally read too many self help books. I used to do that when I was young but now I much prefer Spirituality as a topic. But I came across the following extract from the book – Daring Greatly by Brene Brown and it was so inspiring that I decided to write a blog […]
If you want to prosper and be happy read this
I would like to mention in this article two concepts that are vitally important if you wish to prosper, be happy, and be respected in life. I learned both of these concepts through taking an interest in Buddhism but these teachings are vital to all people including persons who don’t take much interest in spirituality. […]
Priorities in Afghanistan
This article will give my views regarding what the priorities of the authorities should be regarding Afghanistan. The authorities include the Taliban, the Northern Alliance and governments of other nations. The first priority is to avoid anarchy in the nation of Afghanistan. There is an Arabic saying that states – A day of anarchy is […]
The Devil’s advocate or crying wolf? You decide
In response to yesterday’s blog post a reader sent me the link below. It is a thought provoking article on how intelligence agencies need a devil’s advocate to challenge conventional wisdom or the establishment viewpoint. I thought that this is somewhat like employing someone to do the job of crying wolf and having that as […]
On Afghanistan – Tough Observations
Today’s article is just a link to the situation in Afghanistan and what the US withdrawal means for American prestige. I do not have any additional comments as I do not follow politics very closely and so do not have the necessary prestige. But – at the very least – it is a severe blow […]