The Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh described Buddhism as being a clever way to enjoy life. Today I was walking up and down in my room trying to steady myself when it suddenly struck me that Thich Nhat Hanh’s encouragement to practice Buddhism was meant for people like me. I have the following qualities which […]
Author Archives: nikhilmg
The Best Spiritual Path
From all the available spiritual paths how do we choose the one that is best for us? I have no definite answer to that question. I can only give you some tips which might provide you with some food for thought. I have three points to make: I’ll start with a poem from Rumi. It […]
Our Essential Purpose in Life
I am reading a couple of books on Islam and its spiritual insights. One author who writes well and is insightful is Imam Jamal Rahman. He is entertaining and that is what I ask first from any book I read. He tells many stories that will give you food for thought. The following extract is […]
Dealing with the Fear of Old Age and Death
I may have covered this topic in some earlier article but the topic is of such importance that it is worth writing another article on it. Do you fear old age and death? If so, what can be done? All people who have pondered the subject fear old age and death. The cause of this […]
Does your belief in God help you?
This article will explore the way belief in God helps us. Belief in God helps us in many ways and I am sure most of you have something to say about how your belief has helped you. Regarding the existence of God, I have said pretty much everything that I am capable of saying in […]
How the Doctrine of Rebirth can comfort Us
I would like to write about how the Doctrine of Rebirth can help us in our spiritual journey and also provide much needed comfort to those of us (including me) who are no longer young and who have their best years behind them. I will start by saying that all religions (with the possible exception […]
The Coolest Line in History
Today’s blog is just a link to a Quora answer that I liked a lot. Here it is There are more than a hundred answers to the question. Check out the answer by James Carter. On my browser it was the first answer listed. I’ll end here. Please get in touch if you liked […]
In Defense of Islam
The best and most convincing defence of Islam is that it does not require to be defended by anybody. Like it or hate it Islam can stand on its own feet and survive and even flourish. It has done so across the globe for more than a millennium. Prophet Muhammad’s teachings have survived for this […]
Is India a feudal society?
Is India a feudal society? Judging from my life experiences I would say yes. As I mentioned in some earlier articles I had been harassed and victimized by certain powerful people. What I want to stress on in that experience is that all of society cooperated with them for decades even though they were breaking […]
On Seeking Justice
This article is about whether or not to seek justice. My life has changed its direction because I made a choice relating to this concept and though it was difficult at times, I think it has changed for the better. At the very least I have managed to avoid disaster in the form of getting […]