I sometimes think of myself as a genius. I hope I am not wrong. I think that it is definitely true that I am smart in spots as Tom Watson said of himself. The exact quote is below: I am no genius. I am smart in spots. But I stay around these spots. That is […]
Author Archives: nikhilmg
Why I Spent 9 Years in a Cafe
The headline might interest you. I have behaved foolishly for long periods of time in my life. None of them lasted as long as when I spent 9 years in cafes in Mumbai and Pune post the year 2006. You must bear with me. I may well be an eccentric genius. I am capable of […]
Turn the Other Cheek
This article is about the much quoted and little practiced teaching of the Bible which says turn the other cheek. Most people will laugh at this teaching and especially if they are not Christians. And in fact to get along in the world and for worldly pursuits you need to be assertive and stand up […]
More on not Judging
Judge not that you be not judged This is my second blog on this most important teaching. My earlier blog is below: This blog will explain why I think that not judging people (including yourself) is the only sane attitude to have. This is what I understand about the world we live in. It explains […]
How the Bible saved my Life
This is the first in a series of three blogs that describe how the Bible saved my life and sanity. I was facing some exceptionally harsh treatment by people who would have liked me to commit suicide. The Christian teachings I practiced were instrumental in preventing that from happening. Judge not that you be not […]
My Benefits of Reading
I had in my previous blog written about the perils of reading serious books in India. That blog was about external factors. This present blog is about the changes internally that I experienced in my life through reading good books. So to summarize my advice – read for enjoyment, read good books repeatedly and imbibe […]
The Perils of Reading in India
The books I have read have affected my life internally and externally. Regarding the internal changes I will write another blog. The external changes are also interesting and I think you can learn something from my experiences. I remember a visit to a lady psychiatrist more than 20 years ago. I had retired at the […]
All Progress Depends On Them
I sometimes write blogs that my family and friends do not entirely approve of. There is some history behind the same. They want to make sure that I do not wash dirty linen in public and keep family secrets private. Can’t blame them I suppose. And all families have their secrets. I also have had […]
Suggestions for the Survival of Humanity
This is some advice I have for ensuring the survival of the human race. It is the second of two blogs on this subject. Link to my earlier blog is below: As I said in my first blog I am not an enlightened mystic and also I am not a spokesman for the Universe. My […]
For the Survival of Humanity
The human race and in fact life on this planet faces many threats. For example – climate change, global warming, the natural resources of the planet running out etc. In addition there is the threat of multiple nuclear holocausts. There are conflicts going on the Middle East and in Ukraine in which at least one […]