Disasters can help you. Here’s How

I first read Emerson’s essay of Compensation as a teenager. In those days I wanted to be a millionaire (it was the 1970s and being a millionaire in dollar terms was to be very rich). I bought some books by Napoleon Hill and read them. And Napoleon Hill introduced me to Emerson. Specifically Ralph Waldo […]

Jesus Christ Criticized

I was influenced, when I was young, by Bertrand Russell’s classic book Why I am not a Christian. Link is below: https://www.amazon.in/s?k=why+i+am+not+a+christian+bertrand+russell&crid=2ZZJCP9CNRES5&sprefix=why+I+am+not+a%2Caps%2C988&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_5_14 Russell acknowledged that Christ was good and wise although he preferred the Buddha and Socrates over him. But Russell also criticized Christ as portrayed in the New Testament. One of the passages containing […]

On Learned Leisure

One of my earliest memories when I was young was being taught the virtue of hard work. My family and society emphasized working for the upliftment of the poor and downtrodden. I am thinking in particular of my grandparents who lived through the Indian struggle for independence led by Mahatma Gandhi. My grandparents were very […]