There was a time in my life when I was young when I used to brood a lot when I suffered some injustice or was treated badly. This is not I think all that uncommon. Lots of people do just that. And they make life miserable for themselves in the process. I am speaking from […]
Author Archives: nikhilmg
The Most Important Quality in Life
Ok. I would like you to answer this question. In spirituality, in relationships, in your career and in your life more generally speaking which is the most important quality to have? Is it love as was stressed by Jesus? Is it strength and courage as was stressed by Friedrich Nietzsche, Zarathustra and the Spartans? Is […]
On Risking your Neck
Indian culture until I was about 40 years old was shaped and warped by the threat of communal violence. A link to an article where I discussed this is below: I would like to state that as a result of this threat kids and young men in India were taught that the highest good was […]
Why AI is Essential
There are some articles being published in the press regularly regarding the dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Two articles that I read are linked to below. I hope you will be able to read them as you may require to buy a subscription to the Times of India in order to do so. If you […]
How to Choose a Niche
Today’s training I’m going to dig into the topic, the concern, the issue of trying to choose a niche if you’re just getting started. I think for most of you, it’s trying to choose an angle within your niche. We could call that a sub-niche, we could call that an angle, or a deeper angle […]
I have a cure for Insanity
Now you may be wondering what I mean by this headline. I mean this – there is a form of insanity or mental illness for which I have the cure. I was suffering from this type of mental illness myself till I was about 25 years old and then I finally did something about it. […]
The Debt I Owe Bertrand Russell
For those of you who haven’t heard of Bertrand Russell the following few sentences will suffice. He was a great mathematician and one of the greatest philosophers of modern times. And what can I say about his family. Will Durant writes in The Story of Philosophy: For he belongs to the Russells, one of the […]
Dealing with the Chaos on the Roads
A friend of mine asked me to write an article on how people don’t obey traffic rules and the risks these people pose to innocent pedestrians. Scooterists and others don’t obey traffic signals and a lot of them are busy on the phone when they are commuting. My friend spoke about how people like pregnant […]
The Benefits of Being Socially Ostracized
What are the benefits of being socially ostracized? I have experienced these benefits myself and so can speak about them. I will list them below: I used to read a lot of self help books when I was young and one sentence in a book by Napoleon Hill really stands out. He says, “Every adversity, […]
All Job Aspirants – Beware
What I am about to relate are exceptional events and will not be repeated in the lives and careers of most people. But these events really happened in my life and may serve as a warning and a guide to young and ambitious job aspirants and professionals. These events took place many decades ago and […]