I would like to in this article explain some concepts that I have learnt from Spirituality and which I have found not just helpful but also essential and vital to my well being. First concept is that when you are the target of malice and spite it is perfectly ok for you to feel upset. […]
Category Archives: Self Help
Daring Greatly by being Vulnerable
I don’t generally read too many self help books. I used to do that when I was young but now I much prefer Spirituality as a topic. But I came across the following extract from the book – Daring Greatly by Brene Brown and it was so inspiring that I decided to write a blog […]
If you want to prosper and be happy read this
I would like to mention in this article two concepts that are vitally important if you wish to prosper, be happy, and be respected in life. I learned both of these concepts through taking an interest in Buddhism but these teachings are vital to all people including persons who don’t take much interest in spirituality. […]
The Coolest Line in History
Today’s blog is just a link to a Quora answer that I liked a lot. Here it is https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-coolest-line-in-history There are more than a hundred answers to the question. Check out the answer by James Carter. On my browser it was the first answer listed. I’ll end here. Please get in touch if you liked […]
On Seeking Justice
This article is about whether or not to seek justice. My life has changed its direction because I made a choice relating to this concept and though it was difficult at times, I think it has changed for the better. At the very least I have managed to avoid disaster in the form of getting […]
On Seeking Vengeance
About 30 years ago I was the victim of a serious crime. I was targeted by certain powerful people who harassed me to the extent that a lesser person would have been driven to suicide. The harassment stopped when they felt I had been adequately punished. I cannot say that I did not provoke them […]
Rising Sun
I have just finished reading the novel, Rising Sun by Michael Crichton. The book is a murder mystery but it discusses many issues relating to the way the Japanese do business. People my age will remember that the Japanese posed an economic threat to the USA in the late twentieth century. This was before the […]
About Conventional Wisdom
Continuing from the last article – https://insightsandexperiences.com/how-to-benefit-from-philosophy/ What I have learned is this – The society we live in and civilization as it exists now may have its flaws (and it definitely does) but it has survived for many thousands of years. These practices work for humanity. And a system that has survived for so […]
How to benefit from Philosophy
I am writing about my experiences over the years in using philosophy to guide my life. Many times, when I was reading philosophy, I could not make head or tail of what was written. And yet I have gained from what I have read. I have taken the road less travelled and would not have […]
Making a Guinea Pig of yourself
This article was written as the beginning of a book that I wanted to publish through Kindle. But now I have decided to post these articles on my blog. I hope you find it interesting. I have two choices in deciding the structure of the book. The first choice puts emphasis on making money. It […]