My Online Diary

This is not an article like the others on this blog. Firstly this is mainly about my spiritual journey and my other experiences. My other articles are mostly based on concepts derived from my reading of books.

Secondly this article will never be completed. It will remain a work in progress. I will be updating this article whenever I think I have something worthwhile to add which may be on a daily basis. I will not be telling you about these updates when they happen. Maybe once a week I will be notifying you if there is something that I have added that you may be interested in.

Lastly this article is primarily meant for my own use. I have a personal blog and it should come as no surprise if I put up something online for my own use and nobody else’s. It is convenient for me to have my important diary notes in one article online that I can refer to on my phone. Further it is almost certain that most of you will not be able to understand a lot of what is written here. You may not find it meaningful. For example the section written today (28-11-2020) lists out the concepts that I find helpful in doing my daily meditation practice. These are tools. I use these concepts as someone may use a hammer. If you are not interested in (Buddhist) meditation obviously these concepts will be of little use or interest for you.

On the other hand there is something that is called the protégé effect. According to a Google search:

The protégé effect is primarily associated with the academic context where teaching other can help you learn material that you need to learn yourself. However the protégé effect can also benefit you in a variety of other non academic environments.

So if there is a concept here that you are interested or intrigued by reach out to me and I will explain it to you one on one. I only ask that you refrain from publishing the material online without first informing me and taking my consent. Teaching you will clarify the concepts and keep me inspired.

So here goes

Material added on 27-11-2020 (added on 12-12-2020)

Principles of meditation

  1. Arisings of the mind are to be regarded as fruits of the actions done while meditating. I have the right to act but not the fruits thereof. Accept God’s will
  2. Choose love over fear in responding to these arisings.
  3. Do the practice because it is your duty (or passion) to seek God. Meditate for its own sake.
  4. I have the right to mental acts like having goals or desires. The Buddhist path is easy for those who have no preferences but that is not something that I am capable to putting into effect now.
  5. The sentence above refers to the path being easy. There is no reference to the goal being easy or even being achieved.
  6. The path is the goal. Meditate for its own sake.
  7. You don’t have to be superman.
  8. Tibetan Buddhist saying – It is a tall order to ask for meat without bones and tea without leaves. This quotation is referring to the arisings of the mind while meditating.
  9. Have a cupful of understanding, a barrelful of love and an ocean of patience.
  10. Peripheral awareness includes awareness of arisings of mind, intellect and feelings.
  11. Salvation may come at any moment. The master may return at anytime. Be alert and ready to receive the grace.
  12. This instant – here and now – is all there is in reality. Past and future are illusions.
  13. This very mind the Buddha – Zen Buddhist saying
  14. Hold the intention to engage with the breath
  15. There is a difference between attention and awareness. Different areas of the brain control the two
  16. Intentions lead to mental actions and repeated mental actions become mental habits. This simple formula is at the heart of every Stage
  17. Stage 2 – focus is on mind wandering, not forgetting
  18. AHA moment: Welcome all sankhara (including unpleasant ones). Congratulate yourself. Feel Good and congratulate yourself.
  19. AHA moment: Back to holding intentions. Feel Good and congratulate yourself.
  20. AHA moment: Remind yourself that it is God’s will. This should lead to equanimity and a gap in thoughts if you do so mindfully and not mechanically.
  21. Intentions Stage 2:

The goal for Stage Two is to shorten the periods of mind-wandering and extend the periods of sustained attention to the meditation object. Willpower can’t prevent the mind from forgetting the breath. Nor can you force yourself to become aware that the mind is wandering.

Instead, just hold the intention to appreciate the “aha” moment that recognizes mind-wandering, while gently but firmly redirecting attention back to the breath. Then, intend to engage with the breath as fully as possible without losing peripheral awareness. In time, the simple actions flowing from these three intentions will become mental habits. Periods of mind-wandering will become shorter, periods of attention to the breath will grow longer, and you’ll have achieved your goal.

Mind is pliable

Try to experience equanimity by relaxing and by practicing the following

Philosophical reasons for not giving a fuck. Not giving a fuck works for me. This is what worked during the mystical experience so give it a try before looking at something else

  1. BMI is not the self
  2. All is illusory. In reality we are Sat-Chit-Ananda. Even Nirvana is an illusion. Osho called Nirvana the last nightmare

Find this handy. Buy me a coffee

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