On Fear

All fear is derived from the fear of death. In connection with this the French philosopher Montaigne said

“The thing I most fear is fear. . . Those who have been well drubbed in some battle, and who are still wounded and bloody, you can perfectly well bring them back to the charge the next day. But those who have conceived a healthy fear of the enemy, you would never get them to look him in the face. . . And so many people who, unable to endure the pangs of fear, have hanged themselves . . . have taught us well that fear is even more unwelcome and unbearable than death itself.”

(Sourced from the website https://www.enotes.com/topics/essays-francis-bacon/quotes/thing-most-fear-fear#:~:text=The%20thing%20I%20most%20fear%20is%20fear.%20.%20.%20.,the%20charge%20the%20next%20day. )

These are the facts of life. But when I was young, I was influenced by Bertrand Russell. Russell strongly disapproved of submitting to fear in any form and in particular he said that one should not form intellectual opinions because of fear. And one of the main forms of false opinions due to fear is religious faith.

But fear and in particular the fear of death is so monstrous that as I have grown older I started believing in God and conventional religious teachings. I am sure that Russell would not have liked it but I simply lack the courage to do otherwise.

Another English philosopher who expressed himself on death is Francis Bacon. Below in the link to his classic essay on the subject of death


As per the findings of Quantum Physics the Universe is an organic whole and as sentient beings our position is similar to that of cells in the human body. We are here to serve the Universe and not to be a perfect person as far as our personality or ego is concerned.

I don’t have any conclusive proof of this but it is my firm belief that seeking and attaining God or enlightenment is the highest service that we, as human beings, are capable of. For more on the subject it will refer you to a classic book by Aldous Huxley – The Perennial Philosophy.

Religious teachings are aware of the fact that the Divine can be experienced but can never be understood. This is because the mind is finite and the Divine is infinite. Another reason is that the language we use to make sense of the world cannot be used to describe the Divine. The Divine can be experienced but cannot be described or explained given the limitations of language and the finite human mind.

I’ll end here. Please explore this website for more articles on Spirituality, Self Help and Politics. If you want to contact me the link is below.

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