Regarding the Survival of the Human Race

I’ll start by giving you the link to an interesting YouTube documentary. It is quite long at a bit more than 2 hours but it is well made and if you are interested in such topics as the survival of the human race, the nature of Consciousness and the viewpoint of modern science on these subjects then you will find it interesting.

THE 1 FIELD A film by Tsipi Raz – YouTube

One of the messages of the video is that it would be nice if more people take to spirituality and that the ancient spiritual texts of all traditions have a lot to teach us if we want to preserve the human race and not self destruct. This is well meant but realistically speaking requiring the majority of people to take spirituality seriously is too idealistic and will quite simply not work.

This is Kal Yug – the age of Kali. People are forced to bend rules and be unethical in order to survive in this dog eat dog world. Even the monkey god Hanuman would not have been able to survive in Kal Yug (according to the Ramayana).

The Bible says – Many are called but few are chosen. Out of the entire human race many are called so most are not even called (to spiritual pursuits), many are called and few are chosen. This is the Divine Will according to the Bible and we would be foolish if we expect to achieve the opposite.

Also just as there is no point in forcing someone to climb Mount Everest at gunpoint so also there is little to be achieved by trying to force people to spiritual pursuits. Leave it to the will of God to call and choose whoever He pleases. By all means try to inspire or motivate people but have a lightness of touch and do not attempt to coerce.

In addition Greek mythology teaches us that it is impossible for any person to act against his or her nature for any length of time. The Bhagavad Gita teaches us to be true to our Dharma. I am interpreting the word Dharma to mean our nature. The relevant shloka says:

It is better to do your own dharma (calling) even imperfectly, than someone else’s dharma perfectly. Even better to die in your dharma than in another’s, which brings great fear.

Next as the Bible says – Judge not that you be not judged. It is not our job to judge between right and wrong and force society to behave in the way we think right. That is best left to the Universe.

Also Maslow’s theory says what it says. Please do a Google search to understand the theory. I don’t want this article to be overlong and so will not explain it here.

So regarding the vast majority of the human race it is enough if they had a life satisfying to instinct. People are more likely to be peaceable if their instincts are respected and satisfied. I think it was the French philosopher Rousseau who advocated that (not cent per cent sure).

Lastly according to the findings of Quantum Physics the Universe is an organic whole just like the human body. Our position as humans is similar to that of cells within the body. As such it does not matter what happens to the human race (or cells) as long as the Whole Universe is in a state of survival and well being.

If the Universe requires the human race to continue to survive for its own existence then it will do what is needful to ensure that humanity survives. So trust in God. According to the scriptures life is all an illusion or dream in any case.

So what are the major takeaways from this article:

  1. Trust in God or the Universe
  2. Have a lightness of touch and don’t be too serious regarding what you need to do. In particular do not try to force others to behave in the way you think right.
  3. By all means continue your work to preserve the human race and spread philosophical and spiritual teachings. But have the humility to know that only God knows what is required for the well being of the Universe. We don’t.
  4. When in doubt continue with traditional methods of working. You can criticize tradition as much as you want but you have to give conventional wisdom credit for the fact that the human race has survived until now for as long as it has. This survival implies that the old methods work.

I will be emailing a link to this blog to Ms. Poonam Mahajan – the MP for my constituency and some others. If you have the contact details of powerful people who might find this article useful then please share it with them.

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