Shortening the Learning Curve

A friend of mine who reads this blog met me and offered this criticism. He said that most of my posts are based on what I have read in books and there is not much original content here. If people are interested in these subjects then they can read the books for themselves, my friend remarked.

To a certain extent I have to agree with this criticism. The name of my blog is Insights and Experiences. Yet there are not too many posts which draw lessons from the experiences that I have had. My blog posts are not based on my insights; most of them only explain the concepts found in the books that I am reading.

But my problem – that I face every time I sit to write a post – is that there are only so many experiences that I have that I can talk about. Some of my experiences are too private to put in a post, some are not interesting and only a few can be used to write about.

So I am afraid I will have to base most of my posts on the books that I am reading during the days that I write my blog.

But that is not to say that your reading my blog is a waste of your time. You may not have heard of the books that I read. In that case you will have learnt something new. You may not have the time to read those books yourself. In that case I am shortening the learning curve and teaching you something you may not have learnt otherwise.

I have taken an interest in Internet marketing and one of the courses I purchased described the value we bring to the table for our customers. The course taught me about having an information product business. It described how I can make such products like books, CDs, audios, manuals etc and sell that information.

The course said that we should make information products about subjects that we take a passionate interest in and have some knowledge about. If we don’t have any such passion it says that we can pick something that interests us and research the subject for half an hour to an hour per day. After a few weeks or months, we will know more than most people. Then they will pay us for that information. We will have shortened the learning curve of our customers.

I think that this is a good enough way to write my blog. I am not getting paid to write it and so the time and energy I spend on my posts are limited. Also it is not possible for me to come up with life changing insights three times a week.

I also plan to write a book to be published on Amazon Kindle over the next one month. I will adopt the same policy to the book as well. Just try to shorten the learning curve of my readers instead of coming up with inspired insights that change each person’s life.

I have a library of more than 500 books and am an avid reader. It is more than possible I will be able to tell my readers something that they didn’t know which will be of use to them.

The English proverb says, “One fact mastered is a thousand enjoyed.” As we go through life we do not have to come up with life changing insights every day of the week. We need to implement and make use of that which we know.  

I’ll end here. Please explore my site for more articles on Self Help, Politics and Spirituality. If you wish to contact me the link is below.

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