Why is there Suffering in the World?

I read Rumi a few months ago. It was a worthwhile experience.

There were many insights and overall the mood of what was written was that of ecstasy that comes with union with God.

One of the insights that appealed to me was Rumi’s answer to the question – Why do people suffer?  It is not really an answer but more of a response of an enlightened being.

The question was dealt with through the following story:

Some gnats come from the grass to speak with Solomon.

O Solomon, you are the champion of the oppressed. You give justice to the little guys, and they don’t get any littler than us. We are tiny metaphors for frailty. Can you defend us?

Who has mistreated you?

Our complaint is against the wind.

Well, says Solomon, you have pretty voices, you gnats, but remember, a judge cannot listen to just one side. I must hear both litigants.

Of course, agree the gnats.

Summon the East Wind, calls out Solomon, and the wind arrives almost immediately.

What happened to the gnat plaintiffs? gone.

Such is the way of every seeker who comes to complain at the High Court. When the presence of God arrives, where are the seekers? First there’s dying, then union, like gnats inside the wind.

(Sourced from – http://rumidays.blogspot.com/2011/01/gnats-inside-wind.html )

Enough said. I don’t have any comments on this parable. It speaks for itself.

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