For starters please watch the video below. It is well made and interesting and keeps you engrossed for all of its 5 and a half minutes. The video concludes by saying that discrimination on the basis of caste is wrong and as long as there discrimination exists reservations on the basis of caste should continue […]
Author Archives: nikhilmg
What is lasting Happiness?
I have taken Dikhsa from the Ramakrishna Math but I am finding it difficult to walk the path to God. One of the main obstacles or stumbling blocks I am facing is the unequivocal dictum of Bhagavan Ramakrishna to shun women and gold. In short, I have to be in the world but as a […]
Succeeding in the Markets and in Business
I have a plan for you to (almost) make sure of profits when you are investing in the Stock Markets. But be warned – this advice is coming from a person who quit the Markets more than 10 years ago and who is flat broke. So how can I expect to guide you to profits […]
Content for my blog
I have decided to write three blog posts a week starting from this week. I have as inspiration the article that I had linked to in one of my earlier posts. The link is below Following the post referred to above I had a conversation with one of my cousins. He said that my blog […]
Document, Don’t Create
I have a very short article to write today but the content may be life changing for you. If you are doing anything online visit the link below and read the article I’ll end here. Hope this helps someone. Please explore this blog for more articles on Politics, Spirituality and Self Help. If you liked […]
The Difficulty of being Good
One of the principle tenets of the Bible and Christianity is not resisting evil and turning the other cheek if someone strikes you. Yet how many people – including those who call themselves good Christians – even try to live up to this ideal. It is an impossibly high standard in ethics. The difficulty may […]
On the inevitability of war – Some thoughts by Aldous Huxley
In this article I would like to briefly describe the causes of war according to Aldous Huxley – the British philosopher. Huxley was profoundly influenced by Eastern Philosophy and the teachings of Christianity. According to him – “Our present economic, social and international arrangements are based, on large measure, upon organised lovelessness.” According to Huxley […]
More thoughts on China
Some thoughts on China by my uncle who has retired from the Indian armed forces You are absolutely right when you say that Chinese are still rankling over the humiliation that they suffered due to the Opium Wars. But that is not the only problem. Now they have acquired sufficient military and financial clout. The […]
Strategy and China – Some thoughts
I would like to write in this article what I think China’s strategy will be in their ongoing confrontations with the nations of the world including India. Please keep in mind that I am only a part time blogger who has read a few books. Decisions in these matters need to be taken by qualified […]
Insights relating to a Business Opportunity
The name of this website is Insights and Experiences but – in truth – I have not written too many posts about my personal experiences. This post is going to be an exception. I am about to describe my reasoning process that I used in order to decide whether or not to take up an […]