Some final comments on the Kashmir dispute

This is my final article on the Kashmir dispute. Links to my previous two articles are given below: In this article I would like to answer to the points made by my uncle who had objected to many of my suggestions. To read my uncle’s comments please visit the second of the two links above. […]

Another Viewpoint on Kashmir

In response to my article on Kashmir my uncle mailed me some comments. It shows that there is more than one point of view to every issue. Here is the link to my previous article about the Kashmir dispute: The following are my uncle’s comments: You have clearly thought deeply about the issue. I agree […]

A Long Term Solution to the Kashmir dispute

I would like to state at the outset that I would strongly prefer the Kashmir issue to be decided by a referendum held there which gives the people of Kashmir the option whether to stay in India or Pakistan or even become an independent state of their own. Given the fact that this is clearly […]

All that is wrong with the Citizenship Amendment Act

The Citizenship Amendment Act has generated a lot of controversy and turmoil. I do not know much about politics but there are some points that I think can be made. In no particular order of importance these points are: Firstly, the CAA may be motivated by noble intentions but obviously there is a perception and […]

Accepting your Mental Ailment

If my own experience is any indication then you may have difficulty in accepting that you are suffering from depression (or any other mental ailment). I would not like to go too much into specifics regarding the events that led to my being diagnosed with schizophrenia. I had some family troubles and (what else) some […]