I am supposing there is nobody reading this post, who is of a mature age, who has not been slandered. In this day and age libel suits and claims for damages are mounting and making the headlines. Recently Anil Ambani filed a suit against NDTV for Rs 10,000 crores as damages. His accountants and lawyers […]
Author Archives: nikhilmg
Its raining insights
I had the book, Of Human Bondage, by Somerset Maugham in my bookshelf for a long time. I don’t even remember when and where I purchased it. I had made some years back to read the classics and then never got around to reading the many classics that I purchased. Just last week, out of […]
The Perils of Reading
I have been deeply influenced in my life by the books I have read. This has affected me in ways both good and bad. I recently came across a couple of sentences in the book, Of Human Bondage, written by Somerset Maugham which diagnosed my situation so well that just these two sentences are worth […]
Some thoughts regarding climate change
This article is a bit like telling you to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted. Climate change is upon us and governments and world leaders are taking it seriously (with the exception of Donald Trump if I remember correctly). Anyway, I have no solutions; I would just like to make some points […]
Why Chinese Culture was Unique
My aunt in Pune commented on a past article about the Chinese saying that she could not agree and there is much that she does not like about the Chinese nation. So, I am now pinpointing those aspects of the Chinese that fascinate me. The first aspect is that the Chinese accept that the average […]
The Art of War
This article is about the great military strategist, Sun Tzu, and his classic treatise The Art of War. I still have the James Clavell edition with me which I purchased more than 25 years ago. There is much in the book which I did not understand when I read it but even one insight – […]
Learning from Chinese Culture
I would like to write a couple of articles about what I know of Chinese culture. This is the first and I will start saying that in the years gone by there was almost no mental ailments amongst the Chinese people. Mental ailments were so uncommon that persons who had them were worshipped as messengers […]
Staying Young
This article is a guide to having a youthful outlook. I think that it should be useful to almost all people regardless of their age. The sooner you start to implement this advice the better. But even people who are no longer young can read this with profit. In my opinion we grow old and […]
Be a Warrior – Life is a Battleground
India has been by inspired by Mahatma Gandhi and his thought and philosophy. The concept of nonviolence was taught to me when I was a young child in Modern School in New Delhi. This ideal is the highest philosophy. If I remember correctly the Jain religion has the following dictum which is the essence of […]
The most subversive article you will ever read
This is probably the most subversive article you have ever read. Basically, I am stating that the American granting their citizens (in their Constitution) the rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness is flawed philosophically. Quantum Physics and the teachings of mystics of past ages tell us that the Universe is an organic […]