Those who are reading my blog will know that I am following Swami Sarvapriyananda’s teachings. His lectures are being uploaded to YouTube on a regular basis. Just do a search. Link to my previous blog on Swamiji is below: Swamiji makes a number of points in his videos. He is an advocate of Advaita Vedanta […]
Author Archives: nikhilmg
F*** you money and your sanity
In my previous blog I recounted my adventures on the job front that partially led to my contracting a mental ailment. In all fairness I was not completely balanced to start with but that is another story. Link to my previous blog is below: Here is another tip that may help you save your sanity. […]
Save your sanity, Quit your Job
This is an article on when to quit your job. This article is based on hard experience. I have been wounded in battle and I am still carrying the scars. Not physically but mentally. So give this blog your due attention. It can save you your reputation and an enormous amount of anguish to you […]
Advaita Vedanta and TMI Checklist
Hello If you dear reader have stumbled on this page then I must tell you that I have not written this blog with you in mind. I have written this simply to have a record of Advaita Vedanta and Buddhist meditation concepts that I have found to be useful to aid my understanding of the […]
On Swami Sarvapriyananda
I have taken Diksha from Ramakrishna Math. Which means that I have been accepted as a disciple. One of the best teachers from the RK Mission order is Swami Sarvapriyananda. A lot of you may already be knowing about him. This blog is an introduction to those of you who have not heard about him. […]
Some Basic Mental Hygiene
Here is a practice that I have found to work every time I try it out. Basically it consists of never thinking while you are upset and dealing with the negative feeling skillfully so that you are free of it. Then you can do your thinking. Before I stumbled on the technique much of the […]
Hindu Version of Sharia
I remember some conversations that I had with some acquaintances whom I knew about 20 years or so ago. The gist of the conversations was that India needs an authoritarian approach in order to deal with the many challenges that it is facing. The Muslim culture – specifically Sharia – was praised. The question was […]
The Benefits of Arrogance
This is the second of two articles on arrogance. Link to the first article that was published on 21 May 2024 is at the end of this blog. The first of these two blogs discussed why arrogance is such a cardinal sin in Indian society. This article will explain the causes of my being arrogant. […]
Arrogance in the Indian Context
I got into a lot of trouble when I was young because I was thought to be arrogant. And I was. And I was made to pay an exorbitant price for this. The punishment was out of all proportion to the crime. Why is arrogance thought to be such a cardinal sin in India. Much […]
The Mahatma’s legacy misunderstood
I want to make the point in this blog that Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy, teachings and example were misunderstood and misused by sentimental do gooders in India. Much of the time post independence has been wasted. The country has failed to develop and whole generations of Indians have wasted their lives because nobody did some clear […]