Dealing with Corruption – Some Comments

My aim in this article is to appeal to the self interest of people in power (whether in politics, administration, police or the armed forces) and convince them that it is in their own best interest to reduce corruption and keep it to a minimum. I’ll start by saying that if the criminal justice system […]

On Prudishness – Some Comments

India has a notoriously prudish attitude towards sex. When I was young I thought that this was completely flawed and mistaken. I believed in openness regarding sex education and (being influenced by Bertrand Russell) freedom of choice for the young regarding whether they should have sex relations or not. But here I am at age […]

On Nation Building – Some Comments

Here are some remarks related to nation building that may give food for thought: For starters you might wish to go through an earlier blog of mine. Link is below. You can ignore most of the article and only read the last few paragraphs. Confucius’ succinct thoughts were implemented by the Chinese and this created […]