This is the second of a few articles on death and the fear of death. I hope what I have to say will give comfort to those who – like me – are no longer young. I also think that there are practices that will help us deal with the fear of death and who […]
Author Archives: nikhilmg
Are You Afraid of Dying…Then Read This
I would like to write some articles on the subject of death. I know that this topic makes a lot of people uncomfortable so if you like you can skip my later articles on this subject and only go through what I am posting today. Who knows, you might be better served by not reading […]
Why do we suffer
This is an attempt to respond to the most basic of all questions: “Why do sentient beings suffer? Or why is there evil in this world?” Surely if God was omnipotent and filled with love and compassion, he could have created a universe in which sentient beings were always happy and did not have to […]
Creative Thinking to deal with COVID19
I’ll start by saying that I have no creative solutions to COVID19 but I can offer a couple of brainstorming tips on how to go about being creative. In Zen Buddhism the following statement is almost a truism. It goes like this: “If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything, it is […]
How to save yourself from Financial Ruin
In this blog post I will do nothing more than to point you to two of my answers to questions on the website Quora. These answers contain tips which will guide a person to business success. More importantly it will help you decide whether to go into business or not. This might save you a […]
When should youngsters first have sex
I hesitated for some time before writing this article. The prudish attitude of people in India to the subject of sex is well known. But I think I have something worthwhile to say and who knows possibly someone in the situation where they have to decide on this question posed in the headline may be […]
Where to invest in the age of COVID19
I’ll start by saying that my view (as stated below) is not that of an expert and I would love to be proved wrong by scientists finding a cure for COVID19. But here are the facts relating to the virus as best I understand them. COVID19 is a sort of flu and is a viral […]
My 2 cents on the Coronavirus
Here are my 2 cents on the Corona virus. I am not sure how much you will like what I have written but it is likely to be a different perspective from what you will find elsewhere. I’ll start with a WhatsApp conversation with my niece a couple of days ago. The link is to […]
Learn to Think like Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes is definitely one of the most admired and loved characters in all literature. The short and long stories featuring him are classics and deservedly so. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote these stories while he was waiting for patients for his medical practice. But people world over still think that he was a real […]
The defects of Islam
The content of this article was sourced from 2 videos that I watched on YouTube. The links to these videos are below. I would urge you to watch both videos if you have the time and the interest. I have also linked to these videos in my previous article which you may have already read. […]